Ivan Harrison
Ivan Harrison, a senior at MIA, started playing lacrosse halfway through his junior year. Although he wasn’t originally interested in the sport, he heard that the team needed a goalie and decided to put his soccer experience to use. “I used to play goalie in soccer, so I was the first person that my friends asked to fill the position…I decided to play and fell in love with the sport from the moment I picked up my stick. ”
Ivan’s favorite lacrosse memory is the bus rides to and from his games, “…especially after a win.” Through the sport, he has learned how vital good communication is to success and the importance of team play. “I’ve learned what it means to be a team and how to work together with others.”
After graduation, he is committed to pursuing Mechanical Engineering at the University of Central Florida. He added, “I also hope to play on the club lacrosse team at UCF. ”