Ray’s Praise

Madison Moyer, Associate Editor

What is Ray’s Praise?

Ray’s Praise is an opportunity for students at MIA to show their appreciation for others. Whether it’s a classmate, teacher, or another staff member, these praises offer us a chance to show our respect and admiration for someone which will certainly brighten their day.

Mr. Totten

He is always so fun and exciting and it makes my day better From: Helen Totten

Madi Moyer

I would not have been able to make it through this year without her and I’m so thankful to have had her by my side in my classes and as a friend <3

Joe Mietus 

He is funny and always has cookies in mentoring. 

Canon Miller

He is always setting such a good example and volunteering at every opportunity he gets. 

Astrid Fossoe

She’s the sweetest friend and one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. Her influence on all of us is immeasurable. She will be with us even after she flies back to Denmark.

To Everyone 

I hope everyone has an amazing summer and I wish you all the absolute best:) From: Madi Moyer