Journey Into the Woods


Koby Garcia, Staff Writer

         If you’re feeling courageous, and you’re not afraid of witches, ghosts, or wolves, be sure to enter the woods with Marco Island Academy’s new production, Into the Woods! This show is not only a stunning spectacle full of magic and adventure, but it also teaches a lesson that everyone can relate to. 

         Into The Woods follows the story of five people wanting their wishes to be fulfilled, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. However, they soon find out that you should be careful what you wish for, and everything has repercussions. The director of the show, Mr. Christopher Dayett, has been hard at work with the cast members and crew to put on a memorable show and to portray a memorable story. 

        Not only has the cast and director been working hard to produce an amazing show, but people have gained knowledge and were shaped by this experience. Isabella Burgos (The Witch) mentioned how the show had helped her. “It gave me confidence, and it made me feel heard in a way that I never felt before. This lead has just changed my perspective on everything.” 

Working hard on something that you really care about can impact your life in a very big way, and for Isabella, it did exactly that. This experience has allowed people to really break out of their shell and make the most of the true ‘high school experience.’  

“Not only has theatre given me a family, but it has made me realize how much I can do.” Says Rachel Weiner (Baker’s Wife). “It has given me a sense of power to get through my daily life and is something that I really want to do in the future.” ≈

       Even the morals and life lessons in this show have helped the cast learn something. Prestley Irvan (Cinderella’s Stepmother), has learned these lessons even in her personal life. “I have always had a hard time with being responsible due to all the activities I’m involved in, and sometimes I fall short of what is expected of me. Not just the show, but the experience of being a part of it [Into The Woods]  has taught me to balance everything and has taught me to take responsibility for my actions.” 

      Not only has this affected the cast in a good way, but the Director as well. Christopher Dayett says “I guess you could say that I’ve ‘grown up’ with the show, so it has really shaped me into who I am. At the heart of the show are the choices we make in life. They define who we are and have the power to lead us to our destiny or change our fate – for better or for worse.” As mentioned before, this show has morals for all ages and has something for everyone to take away from it. “Another major theme of the show is that those who leave us are never really gone.” 

     Along with the incredible cast and story, the Design and Marketing class at Marco Island Academy has been hard at work creating all the different props and set pieces that will be used during the show, including the stage. The amazing work that they have been able to create in such a short time is amazing, and the quality is excellent. This really goes to show how with teamwork and commitment, we can create something you’ve never seen before!  

Into The Woods rolls onto the Marco Island Academy Pavilion on February 27th, 28th, and 29th and ticket prices are ten dollars online, and fifteen dollars at the door.