Ray’s Recipe: Pfeffernüsse Cookie
November 20, 2024
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Your donation will help support not only the student Journalism and Yearbook clubs at Marco Island Academy, but as well as any new equipment, club improvements, and annual website hosting costs.
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About the Contributors

Lauren Riley, Executive Editor
Lauren Riley is a senior at Marco Island Academy and the Executive Editor for The Wave. Lauren dreams of winning the lottery so she never has to work a day in her life, but realistically she plans to attend college majoring in business management. In her free time Lauren enjoys spending time with her friends, buying clothes, and complaining about not having enough clothes.

Skylar Siems, Managing Editor
Skylar Siems is a senior at Marco Island Academy and Managing Editor for The Wave. In her free time she enjoys listening to music, attending concerts, and hibernating in her room. She loves spending way too much money on clothes and coffee, or at least when she has that type of money. After high school she plans on attending college but isn’t sure what she wants to do just yet!