Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the devastating terrorist- suicide attacks on America. On September 11, 2001 four planes were hijacked by 19 Islamist terrorists. Two crashed into New York’s Twin Towers, one into the side of the Pentagon, and one intended to hit into the U.S capitol or The White house but was overthrown by passengers and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The reality of the situation was almost indescribable and 9/11 is marked as the biggest terrorist attack in U.S history. People from all over the country watched on television in horror. Anyone that lived in this time period can recall exactly where and what they were doing when they heard the news.
The attacks were planned out by Al Qaeda leader, Osaba Bin Laden and although there is not a direct number, an estimated 2,977 innocent people were killed that day. After the attacks the U.S government declared war on terrorism and sent engagements into Afghanistan and Iraq. Along with sending troops, the U.S government created ‘The Homeland Security Act of 2002’ and the ‘USA Patriot Act’ to help prevent and detect terrorist acts.
The outcome of this attack had the country in complete unity and was like nothing our nation had ever seen before. Streets of New York were covered in smoke, ash, and debris which included anything from cement, metal and glass. The devastation resulted in weeks and months of dedicated cleanup, people came from all over the country to search and rescue.
No amount of words or actions can put into perespective the loss and grief that we as a country suffered that day. Today the United States of America remembers what happened 23 years ago to our country. We remember the lives lost. We remember the heroic acts of first responders. We remember the fury our country turned into unity.