What is Ray’s Praise?
Ray’s Praise is an opportunity for students at MIA to show their appreciation for others. Whether it’s a classmate, teacher, or another staff member, these praises offer us a chance to show our respect and admiration for someone which will certainly brighten their day.
Collette Combs
She brought me to Ohio.
Lauren Riley
Lauren is such a sweet person.
Mr. Wolfe
Thanks for being such a great teacher to me and to your other students. From: Nicole Garcia-Pantoja
Mary Montgomery
She let me eat the rest of her sausage, egg and cheese bagel!
Lily Tessarzik
Thanks for always giving me a reality check! From: Cassie
Ms. Ganser
She’s always happy and genuinely a great help.
Meghan Donaldson
Meg is so funny and I’m so happy we have gotten closer this year.
Elizabeth Chiscavage
She is so sweet and she has the best outfits ever.
Mr. Ginther
Thank you so much for dedicating your time and making the team so fun and special!
Mr. Wood
Thank you for dedicating your time to the team and all your help and reminding us to breathe.
Canon Miller
He is a very kind person always helping me when I need it.