The voice of the student.

Ray’s Reflection: Briana Stavac

Graduating middle school was so terrifying to me because I had to leave this whole world I was used to, and stepped into a brand new chapter of my life. Middle school wasn’t the best experience for me, and I once thought high school was going to be even worse, although I was completely wrong. High school has been the best four years of my life. 

Going from scary middle school to this brand new world brought me so much happiness. Although I have gotten into a bit of trouble in high school, I’ve really enjoyed my experience here. Marco Island Academy really was the perfect school for me. MIA has taught me to appreciate things more and realize that not everything is going to last forever. I’ve lost friends during my years here but I’ve also gained so many amazing ones. I’ve even met some of my best friends here. 

During freshman year, I stepped into MIA with nothing but fear in my heart. I held my head low and tried to avoid everyone. My goal was to not be noticed at all. After a week or two, I began to realize that I had the wrong image of what high school was. This encouraged me to meet new people, some of which have become my close friends, and slowly adapted to the realization that MIA was not only a school but a second home. 

I don’t remember a lot about my sophomore or junior year but I remember a lot about my senior year, it’s something I’ll never forget. I met my group of people, the ones that I consider family. I’ve never had a lot of friends in middle school but I finally found the people that make me the happiest. I’ve connected deeply with the principal, teachers, and administrators of MIA, they all make this school more than just a school for many students. 

At MIA, the thing I enjoy the most is the school dances like homecoming and prom. I love going to dances and MIA never fails to make it so interesting, they have great themes, music, and food. They get it well-planned out and it’s just so fun to go participate in these dances. I also really love the pep-rallies, the principal here is so energetic and knows exactly how to make everything more fun. 

Marco Island Academy has been such a great experience in my life and I feel like it has helped shape me to be the person I am now. There’s not a lot I regret doing at this school but there is stuff I regret not doing, I wish I participated more in events. Even so, I never once felt like I was just a student lost in the crowd. The administrators here make sure they know every student’s name and face to make them feel more comfortable and welcomed at MIA.

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