Supehero Set Design & Rehearsals

Lola Green and Logan Yarnell sitting on the constructed set at a Superhero dress rehearsal.

Sophia Lowrie, Executive Editor

MIA Theatre’s Everblades Superhero Hockey Game

Following auditions and the casting for Marco Island Academy’s production, Superhero, the Marco Island Academy Theatre Department’s jam-packed schedule allows no shortage of excitement leading up to the big show on April 21st, 22nd, & 23rd. Between raising the funds for the Florida State Thespian Festival, the start of MIA Musical Season, and the promotion of the upcoming production, there is never a dull moment for MIA Theatre. 

Through persistent fundraising and promotion, the MIA Thespian Society’s troupe, Troupe 8628, was able to send six students to Tampa to represent Marco Island Academy at the Florida State Thespian Festival. Proceeds from events including an MIA Superhero Everblades Hockey Game helped cover costs. The MIA Thespians competed and took home 2 Superiors and 4 Excellents for their accomplishments at the state competition.

Rallying excitement and buzz by promoting the production of Superhero is an important part of preparing for the upcoming show and guaranteeing a large crowd on the dates of the big performance. On Monday, March 27th, which was World Theatre Day, the MIA Theatre Department held a bake sale and sold MIA merchandise including stickers, wristbands, and sunglasses, during both lunches.

With the assistance of the students in the Theatre Marketing & Design class, the MIA theatre department has constructed and designed a set that allows for movement and creativity throughout the play and perfectly portrays the story of Superhero. Students from the Theatre Marketing & Design class discuss the fun experience they had helping build the set. 

Isabella Portu, a student in Mr. Dayett’s Theatre Marketing & Design class, describes her experience and shares what was most fun about being able to help build the set. “I had the most fun painting and designing different parts of the set as it encouraged the class to work together as a team.”

She also discusses the experience that she gained from being able to help the process of set construction and design. Portu shares that during the construction and design of the set she learned “a multitude of new skills and practices” in addition to learning “how to operate a screwdriver, drill, hand saw, sander, and mallet.”

Lola Greene & Logan Yarnell playing characters Charlotte & Jim at dress rehearsal

Lola Green, a freshman and Charlotte in Superhero, expresses her excitement for the upcoming show on May 21st. Green discusses that she is most looking forward to the audience being able to “see the storytelling, and how unique this musical is from others.” 

Rehearsing and preparing for the upcoming show has also provided an opportunity for new friendships and experiences for all of the cast members, and Lola Green shares that she has most enjoyed getting to know her castmates and making new friends. She cherishes rehearsals for “the fun times we’ve had even though it’s been stressful, it’s given me the opportunity to become close with many people.”

Green’s experience in Superhero has taught her many valuable lessons however the most important thing she has learned is time management. She explains that time management and not procrastinating is very important, “as a lead, especially my freshman year, it’s very stressful and there is lots of pressure so you have to learn how to handle that and manage your time.” 

With the play approaching quickly and the cast and crew working their hardest, it is important to show them support and encouragement. Be sure to purchase your ticket at the door or prior to the show May 21st on the Superhero website: