Phoenix Gutierrez
Senior Spotlight: Phoenix Gutierrez
Working hard since his first steps into Marco Island Academy, Phoenix Gutierrez has earned his acceptance into the top Florida schools of Florida State University and the University of Florida. Phoenix is a senior at MIA and has recently joined the International Thespian Society during his final year as well. Seeing Open Mic nights his freshman year, Phoenix immediately found a spark in interest in theatre, but was held back as singing and music not being up his alley. This year, Phoenix was asked to take part in Riley Letendre’s original One Act, “Bad Wisdom” as a stage manager “Seeing thespians and performing arts was so different from any other class that I’ve taken or club that I’ve been part of. When I was invited to help be a stage manager for Bad Wisdom, I immediately joined. This was my real start with Thespians, and even though the rehearsals usually happened a few times a week, I always had lots of fun going to them (even though I didn’t particularly have a role).”
This had been the time Phoenix found himself stepping out of his normal comfort zone and into a whole new world of theatre. He had found a place that didn’t involve what theatre was usually portrayed as such as singing and dancing, but where he can be found more behind the scenes where he felt more comfortable. When asked his favorite memory from Thespians, he recalled “This has to be my time going to Districts. While competing at the district One-Acts was surely fun, I loved getting to know the rest of our troupe more and watching a lot of amazing small performances too. I don’t even know why I was hesitant to attend; spending a whole day with a bunch of energetic Thespians was really enjoyable.” This being Phoenix’s first full district competition, you could definitely say it was unforgettable.
Without MIA, everything to Phoenix would be different. Not only was he given difficult classes that gave him the opportunity to work harder, but he grew his skills in social confidence and even being more organized. The biggest issue Phoenix would say MIA had helped him with was definitely his own personal confidence. “Towards the start of my time here I always felt a need to act like what people thought was nice. But as I got to know people, and eventually became more outgoing, I realized how many people like to see the things which make themselves unique. While this sounds like getting around to this could’ve happened at any school, I think MIA let me come to this realization through its small, friendly community and my time spent in clubs. I was able to act more like myself.”
Although knowing he will be majoring in computer science, Phoenix is making a very difficult decision on where to attend after highschool, “Right now I’m deciding between FSU & UF, I’m pretty motivated to improve my skills and learn more about the mathematical/scientific side of computer science.” When asked if Phoenix believed that he was ready for the future, he answered with not being exactly ready, but ready for life as a whole. “Saying whether I’m “ready” or not is an extremely hard thing for me to say. I would call myself fairly self-reliant compared to other people around my age, but I know that this doesn’t matter in the long run. I have to get used to life after high school at some point, and the sooner the better.” Phoenix has a bright future ahead of him and we cannot wait to see what he accomplishes.