Colton Wood
Senior Spotlight: Colton Wood
Colton Wood is a student at Marco Island Academy. He is also the basketball manager this year as well as a player for the school’s golf team. Colton has been playing golf for the school since his freshman year of high school and has only been the manager for the basketball team for his senior year. Colton said, “This school has helped me figure out who I am and what I want to be.”
As the manager of the basketball team, Colton has been to every basketball game and recorded each of them, and after each game, he puts the basketball team’s statistics online on the MIA website. “They made me feel like not only I was part of the team, but that I had brothers.”
After the school day ends Colton enjoys spending his time hanging out with his friends Tony Castillo, Quintin, Shamus, Nick Smithem, Lucas, and Joseph Reisinger.
After high school, he will be going to Santa Fe community college majoring in accounting and living with his friends Joseph Reisinger and Ben Macko