Thespian Society Logo
The Marco Island Academy Thespian Society is the school’s theatre honor society dedicated to performing and learning about all things on stage and off stage. The current officers are Riley Letendre as President, Rachel Weiner as Vice President, Aiden Boughton as Secretary, Robert Davis as Treasurer, and Arlette Villela as Communications Director. Currently, they are working on the spring musical, The Little Mermaid, and an Open Mic Night on January 28th.
They meet every other Friday after school from 3:30 to about 4:00 in Mr. Dayett’s classroom. The Thespian Society does what they do to provide a safe space for anyone to express themselves and escape. Everyone is welcome to be creative whether that’s backstage working on lighting or performing a monologue in front of an audience. If you are interested in joining the Thespian Society, please see Mr. Dayett or any of the officers for more information and BAND codes!