Interact Club
Interviewed: Taylor Drott, Caitlyn Sadofsky
Who are the officers in the club?
Taylor: Interact doesn’t exactly have officers. We have 4 councilmen and a President. I am a councilman with Elle, Phoenix and Ava. Caitlyn is the president of interact. Finally, Miss Scott is our advisor.
Caitlyn: The officers were voted last year by the club members. They are Elle Richardson, Phoenix G, Taylor Drott, and Ava Cartwright. I am the president of the club and the officers and I work with Miss Scott to create committees amongst the club and plan events in and out of school.
What is the club currently focused on?
Taylor: Interact is a unique club, as we ensure that every member has a voice in our community projects. This is why Interact focuses on making committees for our different events to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. Right now we are focused on school events that include boo and Biffle grams, a bake sale, and orientation night. We are also focused on community events like otter mounds
Caitlyn: Right now, the club is focused on getting ready for open enrollment night and we have already created committees for valentines activities and Otter mound.
When does the club have its next event?
Taylor: Our next event would be considered open enrollment night. We would like to volunteer with your students. Each teacher also needs volunteers in their classrooms.
Caitlyn: Our next event that we will be attending is open enrollment night. Out of school, we will be attending otter mound, which is held in the estates.
Where is the next event being held?
Taylor: Open enrollment night is held at MIA.
Caitlyn: The time and date are still to be determined.
Why does the club do what we do?
Taylor: Interact does what they do for the students and the community. Interact has allowed every student to have a voice in their school and community. Interact has made me feel like I can make a change, and I’m sure it has made others feel the same way.
Caitlyn: We strive to help out our community and school in every way that we can, whether that is volunteering at local events or just helping out the teachers at school. Interact is very relaxed and is not based on only getting volunteer hours. We do what we do as a way of showing how much we care about our school and every human in it, as well as our community as a whole. Like I said before, we are a family who really just cares about helping in any way we can.