Remember When… Accessories edition
Remember When: Accesories
1. Silly Bands

Remember when …. thin pieces of rubber fitted into shapes were the items we used to trade on the playground? New versions and collections of the bands would come out daily reaching all the way from dinosaurs to Star Wars characters. Soon our wrists were covered with them, and the amount only grew by the day.
2. Slap-On Bracelets

Remember when …. slapping ourselves was the new way to put on our bracelets? Slap-on bracelets were invented in 1983 but became popular during the early 2000s. These bracelets were flexible stainless steel bands, sealed with colorful fabric that was usually covered with designs.
3. BFF Necklaces

Remember when …. each day we made a new BFF, just so we could go to Claires and buy one of their BFF necklaces? These necklaces always had charms fitted for two that matched some sort of theme. The themes span all the way from milk and cookies to things like ketchup and fries.
4. Rainbow Loom

Remember when …. we used to make our own bracelets with our Rainbow Loom kits? We would weave each band one by one through the round-shaped pegs, into patterns. The patterns included fishtail, single band, zigzag, and even a thick pattern called the firecracker.
5. Gummy Bear Jewelry

Remember when …. all of our jewelry used to be covered in gummy bears? Our earrings, necklaces, and bracelets all had dangly plastic bears hanging off of them. This jewelry was usually just a silver chain with colorful charms.