Senior Spotlight: Kendall Jacobs
Holding a spot as captain for three years, senior Kendall Jacobs has brought a flare like never before to the cheer team. Kendall has cheered for nine years throughout middle school, high school, and even participated in competitive cheer. Although many girls love the thought of joining cheer, Kendall did not in the beginning.
The main reason Kendall joined was because her long-time best friend for 13 years, Rachel Drake, was enrolled in cheer. This prompted Kendall’s mom to enroll her as well, and this is where she fell in love with her sport.
After high school, Kendall wishes to attend Florida State University and go into nursing, which suits her well based on how much she loves helping others. Kendall’s passion for helping others is heartwarming and can put a smile on anyone’s face. She found this passion after dealing with something that a normal 17-year-old wouldn’t, living with the difficulties of having a mother with health issues.
Instead of letting this take a toll on her life, she took a role as an at-home nurse from her mother, prompting her passion for nursing. Despite all this Kendall manages to be active in Key Club, National Honor Society, and is the Editor-in-chief on this years’ yearbook
Over the past four years, Kendall has looked back at this quote told to her by Mr. Butler to inspire her to keep pushing forward, the quote says “Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”-Robert Nesta Marley.