Interdisciplinary Projects


Paola Cortazar, Opinion Editor

        The past couple of weeks have been very hectic for the students taking Mr. Scalia’s Honors and Regular English 3 classes. The Great Gatsby Interdisciplinary Project had become the main focus for most. After having picked their projects, students were given a total of four deadlines to complete their chosen assignments. Whether a student chose to work alone or in a group, everyone had responsibilities to fulfill. 

 Keith Scalia designed each of the 15 group and individual topics with a future image in mind. When asked how they are designed, he stated: “They are designed based upon Howard Gardeners’ multiple intelligence theory. All students are traditionally taught in one of two ways… by using Gardner’s theory, students can create products based upon their talents or things that they are interested in.” 

Being a project that catered to a student’s strengths and weaknesses, most were able to come up with something that they were proud to show off in front of the class. From food to dancing, to on-stage acting, all of Mr. Scalia’s students were able to portray their talents in one way or another.


“At first it wasn’t very stressful, but the day before it all built up.”- Jorge Vargas, Block 3 English Honors


“It was something I wasn’t used to… but it was kind of fun to do this for a project at school.”- Lucas Hodgon, Block 2 English Honors


“It was really fun to make a video and spend time with a friend for a school project that we could actually enjoy.” – Camryn Rose, Block 2 English Honors