On October 29, 2024, Spain got flooded with an enormous amount of water that did insane damage to everything around it. Soon after it hit, the damage became apparent and everything in sight was ruined. Cars were piled up everywhere and everything was covered in mud.
After most of the water was gone and everyone started realizing how messed up everything was. Soon after they all started trying to work together to get things up and running again. Many people said that it is going to be near impossible to get things back to normal. The final count of fatalities ended up being around 300 people. People that were in Spain during the flood got interviewed and they said that it took only 15 minutes for it to go from completely dry to overflowing. Imagine being in a house on the second floor and watching the water rise not slow at all and you see it starting to ruin everything. While you see this happening you know you can’t do anything about it. So you have to sit there with your family and if you have kids they are scared out of their mind.
Not only are all of their belongings gone, everyone is missing everything they own. They also have another storm with a larger amount of power hitting the same area that just lost everything. After these storms have hit they have all realized that no one was prepared for this type of life threatening storm. So now they are all coming up with ways that they can make their town safer and more able to obtain storms like this again.
Right after the flood no one was there to help them like firefighters, police, medics, etc. due to the fact that they couldn’t be reached from how much mud there was. Therefore, it was just the town against the imposing wall of mud. It took them hours and hours to get even a part of the mud under control. Then, they were able to make it and help get everything cleaned up and help people that were hurt or needed help. There was mud that ended up in peoples houses. In the beginning, it looked like the mud that was standing was going to take over the city, but once they got it under control they knew that they were going to be okay. Everyone is saying that this town will never go back to the way it was before because of how bad the damage was. It will take a long time before things are up and running again.