1. Candy Corn
Whoever made this candy back in the 1800s or whatever did a good job for their time but this candy is outdated and honestly after eating three of them, you’re done.

2. Black Licorice
This has been said to be the worst taste known to man. In all 16 years of my life, I have never met anyone who enjoys this candy nor have I ever seen it being sold at any stores. Yet somehow these awful candies are still being made.

3. Whoppers
The first thing you taste when you put a whopper in your mouth is pure dust. Also, whenever you bite into it, it tastes like powdered malt. They need to change the recipe for these if they want people to start liking them again.

4. Raisins
This is for all those healthy people giving me raisins on Halloween, no one is going to eat that trash food. This should not be considered a “candy”.

5. Laffy Taffy
This candy has a wrapper that is so hard to open but when you finally open it to eat the taffy, it ends up getting stuck everywhere in your mouth and you are left for the next half hour picking it out of your teeth.