Torch: A Musical Tale, written by our very own theater teacher, Christopher Dayett, will take the stage at Marco Island Academy this spring. This musical promises an unforgettable experience for audiences with its compelling narrative and beautiful melodies. Auditions for the musical are set to be in mid January. The musical will take the stage in April.
Torch: A Musical Tale is a story about a young boy named Torch who has just turned 18. Torch lives just outside the walls of a kingdom ruled by a tyrant king named Morgano. Torch meets a young woman named Aya and her friends. Together Torch, Aya, and friends decide to take back their kingdom from Morgano. The story has themes of friendship, love, perseverance, and teamwork.
Christopher Dayett decided to bring Torch to MIA for a few important reasons. One of the reasons is that a broad age range may appreciate the tale being delivered. Younger viewers may find it magical and Disney-like, while adult viewers will find it dark and full of deep moments and themes. The variety of available roles is another factor.
Many more students will be able to join because the musical has both singing and non-singing parts. This makes it so someone that wants to participate but not sing can. With that being said, the opportunity to perform on the stage is open to all staff and teachers. All Marco Island Academy students and staff are welcome to participate in this brand new musical. Wheether it is through building props, aor entertaining a crowd, all are welcome.
Mr. Dayett was inspired to write the Torch: A Musical Tale during Covid. With the whole world on lock down Christopher found himself extremely bored with nothing to do. That was when Christopher turned to writing to pass the time, four years later Torch: A Musical Tale was ready for the stage.