The voice of the student.

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The voice of the student.

The Wave

The voice of the student.

The Wave

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Photo credits to Brian McGowan via  Unsplash under the Unsplash license.
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Photo credits to Bethesda Softworks, LLC via Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons license.
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Disney’s Moana – A Movie Review

Photo credits to Brian McGowan via  Unsplash under the Unsplash license.
Photo credits to Brian McGowan via Unsplash under the Unsplash license.

The popular Disney film, “Moana” which came out on November 23rd, 2016, will always be one of my personal favorites. This film is set in ancient Polynesia and tells the story of a young teenage girl, Moana, and her journey to help save her community and find who she truly is.

The acting in this film was truly a crucial part to this animation. The facial expressions between all the characters and the body language were displayed very well throughout the film, allowing the audience to understand the pure emotion that was happening in the moment. It can be very hard to portray characters’ expressions and emotions accordingly, especially when it is an animation. The animation’s production and voice acting made it very obvious how the character was feeling and could easily make you forget that the film was animated and not played by real actors.

The music that was used throughout the film is very fitting to the setting and with what is happening at the moment. The soundtrack of “Moana” transports you into the island atmosphere and emits a sense of positive energy as the melody plays. The resources used to create the music, dive into the true Polynesian culture as well. The way the composers use traditional instruments such as “Guitars and strings, as well as Polynesian percussion, woodwinds made from bamboo from the south pacific, and traditional hide-covered tyke drums.” as provided by Wikipedia, Moana (Soundtrack). The film also includes Polynesian vocals and language to help ensure authenticity which is very important to have if you are going to base a film on a specific culture.

The lyrics in each song play a huge part in evoking emotion or reflecting on the current feelings or events happening at that moment. One of my personal favorites, “How Far I’ll Go” is sung with great passion and agony. The song greatly captures Moana’s need to adventure and help her people. It proves how she doesn’t plan on letting anyone or anything stop her from doing what she feels is best for her community, no matter how far she needs to go. Overall, the soundtrack used throughout the film feels very authentic and moving, while also grasping the concept of being catchy, humorous, and entertaining.

This film is 1 hour and 43 minutes long. This is the typical length of most Disney movies and I feel they used the time very wisely and efficiently without dragging anything on. The way that they switch through different scenes and issues happening at the moment makes it so the audience stays engaged. In this movie, you are never really sure how things are going to turn out which keeps you intrigued and wanting more.

The movie’s ending was heartwarming and relieving. The way that Moana accomplished her journey and saved her people also ended with her being friends with Maui. Maui started out as the enemy, but not only did Moana get past him as one of her obstacles, but she also helped Maui become a better person, helped him finish his journey, and in the end, they helped each other get where they needed to be. To me, it was touching how they didn’t brush off Maui’s problems and move past him as a character, instead, they showed that he could change for the better while also having Moana still be able to fulfill her needs.

This film and its beautiful portrayal of Polynesian culture is looked upon by many viewers. Overall, this film shows how even a young teenage girl can be independent and strong no matter others’ doubts or concerns. It shows her journey in finding herself and who she was meant to be. Her courage and determination is inspiring for audience members of all ages and encourages them to pursue their dreams and tackle their obstacles. The animation and soundtrack went above and beyond and kept you feeling as if you were in the moment with the characters. In all, this film will always hold a great impact above others and be a wonderful representation of independence and encouragement.

This movie is quickly becoming a Disney classic. I would totally recommend this to viewers of all ages. If you haven’t already seen this film, it is a must watch.

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