Earlier this month, Universal Pictures released the action comedy titled, The Fall Guy. The movie tells the story of a Hollywood stuntman, Colt Seavers who is played by the well-known Ryan Gosling. Colt is asked to make a Hollywood comeback after a serious injury, while his ex-girlfriend, Jody Moren played by Emily Blunt, directorial debut movie after the lead actor suddenly goes missing.
The chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt is undeniable. Throughout the film, the two are continuously poking fun at each other as well as flirting their way through the scenes. Ryan Gosling effortlessly displays his indisputable humor as Colt Seavers and he appears to feel no embarrassment, despite the foolish scenes he acts out. Emily Blunt presents a similar exhibition within her character which showcases her rather dry, or “blunt” sense of humor. In this new film, these two display evident talent that we all have grown to know and love.
Each scene of the movie is perfectly paired with the right song that helps to set the overall mood of the exact moment. The movie brings in and highlights a wide range of music genres and no song appears out of place. One of the most prominent musical moments of the film is when we see Colt Seavers, or Ryan Gosling, sitting in the driver’s seat of his black pickup truck while “All Too Well” by Taylor Swift blasts in the background. Colt can be seen singing each word of the song, without skipping a beat. The film features other well-known tracks such as “I Was Made for Lovin’ You” by Yungblood, “Any Way You Want It” by Journey and “Genie in a Bottle” by Christina Aguilera. There’s not a song that I think the movie could have done without, nor is there one that I would add. Each song appeared to be seamlessly curated for each particular scene.
The Fall Guy is definitely one of the longer movies that I have seen recently, but despite this, it didn’t seem to drag on parts in the slightest. The new film sits at a solid two hours and five minutes which seems typical in the new Hollywood of the world. The storyline plays out during this time allowing specific points and key details to be displayed and understood by the audience. The scenes of the movie don’t seem excessively long and the constant action and changing of settings helps to prevent the film from appearing stagnant and boring.
The ending of the film flawlessly ties each loose end that is presented in the film into one big bow to unveil what appears to be a perfect movie ending. Throughout the entire movie, Colt and Jody take the shape of attempting to brush off the apparent spark that stands between them. At the conclusion of the film, both Colt and Jody give in and the beautiful romcom ending is perfectly painted on screen. At the close, the various ‘bad guy’ hints that were weaved into the scenes are brought into the light and the audience feels rather relieved as Colt and Jody win the onscreen battle.
The Fall Guy, as a whole, is one of the best movies I have seen so far this year. It has all the ideal elements including romance, comedy and action and it seamlessly knits together what I believe to be a “Movie of the Year” storyline. I would recommend this film to everyone and on your next free Friday night, I encourage you to go out, grab some popcorn, and have a little fun with The Fall Guy.