Boys Soccer Game Recap

The Community School of Naples

Spencer Siems

The Marco Island Academy boys soccer team faced off against the Community School of Naples. Due to Communities prestige and their football ranking of number one in the nation, the Rays worried that they’d have to forfeit the game. The younger Rays players still held onto their hope of beating the team, but the older players ultimately knew their fate.


The game began after a few minutes of warm ups. Only a few minutes into the first half, Communities star player scored a goal against Rays goalkeeper Marshall Daffner. The Rays worked even harder during the second half, but the same Community player scored three more consecutive goals. Cameron Zuck, center defensive player, was running down the field and when going for the ball, his foot caught the grass and tore his calf muscle.


After the injury, the Rays lost to Community 4-0. Even though Community was a tough team, the Rays will try their hardest, yet again, the next time the two teams face off.