Girls Learn International is back and better than ever! GLI is ready to make a difference once again starting October 2nd, when the grade levels are going head to head in a penny war, with the winning grade getting a pizza party. The majority of the money GLI makes off of the penny drive is going directly toward the Women’s Shelter of Naples. Last year, GLI did a clothing drive for the same shelter and brought large amounts of clothing to the women and children in need in our area.
GLI has been guiding and empowering Lady Rays for many years! It was initially brought to MIA in 2017 and ran until 2018 and was a very popular group at the school. GLI educates high school students to advocate for human rights, equality, and universal education! GLI is guiding younger generations to lead social change for years to come.
The club was brought to MIA back in 2017 by Chelsea Casabona and other young women who were eager to get their word out there. Over the years, the club was well known in the area and broke its silence for 3 years by protesting at events and attending meetings on Marco Island. After Casabona and others graduated, the club was stopped.

Last year, Annabelle Frazer rediscovered the club and decided to bring it back for our Rays as a safe space to share their feelings on certain rights that have been stripped away from them in recent years. The club started back up in March and became a beneficial one immediately. It started small and had 8 members, but their impact never failed to show, and it is one of MIA’s featured clubs. Coming into the school year, there was more interest, and now the club has a total of 16 members.
The club voted on leadership positions at the end of last year. Our GLI leaders are Annabelle Frazer (President), Norma Tidor (Vice President), Helen Totten (Treasurer), Iran Zarate-Ceteno (Secretary), and Cassie Letendre (Social Media Coordinator).
Each girl has embraced their role in the club, and is excited to start the year on a good note! Scan the QR to join GroupMe if you are interested, all are welcome!