Since the end of June, Florida has been experiencing heat off the charts, and residents are feeling it. Until now, Florida has never experienced heat like this, at least since satellites have been able to record weather data. Some cons of this weather could be heat exhaustion, due to temperatures of 115+ state round, algae blooms, and further impact on the already bleached corals in Florida. Some pros include…well, maybe there aren’t any. Many people in and out of the state have their opinion on Florida’s heat, but how do our peers feel about it?

One student in particular, Gavin Pascale, was interviewed about how he felt about Florida’s heat. Gavin’s opinions may be unique from the majority since he has spent most of his life in this “Brutal heat.” Gavin enjoys spending most of his time doing water sports like surfing and fishing, with that being said Gavin still describes Florida’s heat as brutal because “It’s dangerously hot out, I like to go outside and I just can’t.” Gavin the only pro is that “it’s not cold.” However, with all of that being said, Gavin lets the heat just roll off his shoulders and still goes through his daily life with ease, Gavin’s expresses, “it does not really affect my daily life, it’s hot but it just makes things a bit more difficult.” Overall the heat is just a road bump in Gavin’s mind, so his advice for MIA’s future is pretty simplistic. Gavin states “It will be cold again before we know it, this is Florida.”
Others, however, beg to differ. Ever Davis was also interviewed about how he felt about Florida’s heat and Gavin and Ever had some analogous opinions. Ever described the heat as “very dangerous,” he states some factors are “Dehydration and heat stroke.” Ever and Gavin share similar opinions on how severe the weather is, but to Ever it affects his daily life in a different way. To Ever it not only affects his day at school, but his work life as well. Ever states, “When I work on the beach I have to wear sunscreen, and long sleeves.”
Overall, Gavin and Ever’s daily routines are much different, especially because Ever is obligated to be out in the heat. Ever feels a solution for MIA’s future students is for the school to create a “pavilion,” over the lunch table to block out some of the heat.
All in all, most students share the opinion that Florida’s recent
heat is brutal. Junior Kaylie Young agrees the heat is inconvenient, but it doesn’t stop her from pursuing her daily life. The heat can make tanning “unbearable,” states Kaylie. However the heat can also aid tanning because it raises the UV. Kaylie reasons, “I like the heat because it raises the UV.” For those unfamiliar, a higher UV (ultraviolet rays) rate means higher tanning rate. Kaylie feels that in the future, “MIA could have lunch in the gymnasium.” Overall, there are pros and cons of Florida’s recent heat wave. Some pros relate to tanning and watersports, and a few cons could be heat exhaustion and dehydration. Everyone has different preferences based on their priorities through their daily lives, but in short, for most students this heat is unbearable and has continued to affect their daily lives.