MIA Parking Problems
March 27, 2023
Here at Marco Island Academy, rising seniors have a ‘seniority’ where they get first dibs on parking spots at the start of every school year. While this is a very considerate concept, there is a slight flaw. Seniors get the spots starting with number one and counting up. However, these spots are not the most favorable of the bunch. As it turns out, the later you show up to school to get a parking spot, the better the chance you have of getting a spot in an easy-to-get-out location, as long as the lot has not filled up by then. This is the reason that underclassmen are often able to leave the parking lot much quicker and easier, while seniors must wait in line for extended amounts of time. This privilege should rather be bestowed upon the senior student body. This would mean that at some point, each grade would get their turn to have the best parking spots in the lot.

Many students agree that it does not make sense for upperclassmen to get the least favorable spots. This would defeat the purpose of arriving early to get the best spot, as one would only get a spot that is more difficult to get out of at the end of the day. It makes sense for the students who have been at MIA for longer to have rights to the more convenient parking spots. The spots that most current seniors, and those in the past, have are at the entrance to the parking lot. While these students would get to their spaces first, they must drive around the entire semicircle to get out. This leaves time for those parked in the higher numbered spots to get out first.

For this supposed privilege to better benefit senior students, they should have the option to get the spots towards the end of the lot which have more advantages. They are the closest to the actual school building, which means that students who park there will get to their cars the earliest. In addition, they are conveniently located right next to the exit, granting those students the opportunity to leave before other students. Some of the later spaces are also easier to park in, as well as get out of at the end of the day, which may be desired by most students.
To support students that would like spots in different places, MIA could allow them to either choose the number of the spot that they desire or at least the general location they would prefer. For the underclassmen, they could either continue choosing by number (after seniors have been given their desired spaces), or be given the spots that remain by counting up until the lot has been completely filled. This will establish a fair system in which each grade will eventually have the first choice of parking spots. Seniors would get a small, but not trivial, advantage to improve their last year as rays just a little bit more.
Makayla Hendrick • Mar 28, 2023 at 12:21 PM
Highlyyyyyyyyyy agree!
Grant Tirrell • Mar 27, 2023 at 11:18 AM
Absolutely, and even further than this, we really should bring back our old system of letting student drivers out before the other car riders. We could all be out of the parking lot and out of everybody’s way in 5 minutes!
Annabelle L Frazer • Mar 27, 2023 at 10:12 AM
Yes please – I’m so done with waiting 20 minutes just to get out of my spot LOL