March for Our Lives Protesters Rally for Stronger Gun Control Legislation Photo Credits: March for Our Lives
Despite the disgustingly increasing number of school shootings and gun-violence related incidents in the U.S, let alone two of the worst mass shootings in history having occurred in Florida, Governor DeSantis put forth a cluster of bills supporting the ability for people to carry concealed loaded firearms without a permit or even a background check.
Reducing the required age to purchase or transfer guns is the goal of House Bill 1543. Proposed changes in House Bill 543 and Senate Bill 150 would do away with any license, background check or training in order to carry a concealed gun.
Permitless carry laws endanger the public by removing vital safety measures designed to ensure that those carrying concealed weapons have been properly trained and vetted. With the increasing numbers of mass shootings and rising gun crime, it is a shock that legislators are asked to loosen gun restrictions rather than make them stronger.
March for Our Lives an organization born out of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida and is a youth-led movement dedicated to promoting civic engagement, education, and direct action by youth to eliminate the epidemic of gun violence.
March for Our Lives Student Protesters at the Capitol Photo Credits: March for Our Lives
March For Our Lives has held 450 marches worldwide, leading to over 20 new state laws to curb gun violence, and the passing of bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first federal legislation on guns in 30 years.
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Sophia Lowrie is a senior at Marco Island Academy and the Executive Editor for The Wave. She loves baking and cooking for friends and family and reading...
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