Offsides Goal Prompts Win for MIA
January 18, 2023
It started off as a tough game, especially for the Paladins of Mason Classical Academy. The Rays had a strong defense and played very well that day, and Mason’s boys were not breaking through it.

Three of MIA’s offensive players maintained great communication throughout the game and made great passes overall, leading to the only goal of the night made by junior striker, Chase Polley.
Tensions rose on the Mason Classical side, but no matter how hard they tried, they could never break through MIA’s tough defense. The clock was ticking, as time was running out, Mason’s boys were using everything they had to try and score a goal.
With only 8 minutes left on the clock, Mason Classical’s boys broke through The Rays defense and made a shot on goal which was successfully saved by MIA’s goalie, sophomore Ryan Sweeney.
“My team’s defense fell short, so I wanted to ensure that we wouldn’t have to go into overtime and I gave it my all to save that shot,” said Ryan Sweeney.
Mason Classical didn’t give up though. Now, with only 3 minutes left on the clock, they had a free kick that resulted from MIA’s senior center back, Colby Chute. Ryan Sweeney saved the shot, but The Paladins came back with a rebound shot that Sweeney couldn’t save.
The referee blew the whistle, calling offsides on The Paladins which automatically rebuked the goal. “We’re so lucky that the refs called offsides on that goal. I felt bad that I could have cost the team a win,” said Colby Chute. The Rays took the well deserved win with a final score of 1-0.