Ray’s Praise

Madison Moyer, Managing Editor

What is Ray’s Praise?

Ray’s Praise is an opportunity for students at MIA to show their appreciation for others. Whether it’s a classmate, teacher, or another staff member, these praises offer us a chance to show our respect and admiration for someone, which will certainly brighten their day.

Ave Dussias 

She let me sip her peppermint mocha.

Bella Portu

She bought me Dunkin and drove me to school. 💕

Celine Schauer 

Celine is a great friend and is super kind and caring. 

Ginger Roloff

For the fabulous haircut and cow sweater. 

Matthew Asbell 

Tiny James is my new best friend he is awesome!!🕺 From Jorge Rodriguez 

Mrs. Cobos

She always has the best outfits!

Sophia Dolecki 

Sophia is so nice and always says hi to me. I love being name twins.