Marco Island Academy
General Announcements
SCHOLARSHIPS – Hey Junior and Seniors, please check Google Classrooms as scholarships have been updated over break!!! There is money to be scooped up!!!!
Heyyyyyyyyyyy Seniors – Senior fees of $102 are due by the end of the month. That’s next Thursday! See Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Koch, or Miss Roberts!
With college commitment season right around the corner, we want to celebrate your futures. Email newspaper@marcoislandacademy.org with a photo of yourself, your major, and your future school (cosmetology, vocational, workforce program, military are also included)! You deserve to be celebrated! See the Class of 2022 for more information!
Baseball: Congratulations to our baseball team for their 12-5 win last night against the Titans of Golden Gate High School. Shout out to Ryan Sweeney for going 4-4 at the plate and almost completing the cycle with a HR, Double, and single with three runs batted in. Both Chase and Jack Berry contributed with out of the park home runs and some great defensive plays. Trent Dowd threw 86 pitches with 68 of them being strikes! It was a total team effort last night. We are so proud of our Rays!
Tennis: Good luck to our girls tennis team on the road to CSN today. The girls will be dismissed at 2:30 p.m. without an all call. Good luck to our boys tennis team who hosts CSN today. The boys will be released without an all call at 3 p.m.
Performing Arts
The Little Mermaid: Tickets are now on sale for The Little Mermaid. Scan the QR code on the posters around campus to order your tickets now before the price goes up at the door and/or we are sold out! Tickets are going fast!
Rehearsals resume this week. From now on it is full cast at every rehearsal.
Mr Dayett is looking for a few committed individuals to serve on crew for the show. Expectations are to come to the remaining rehearsals and 3 performances. Duties include lights, sound, and backstage crew.
Daily Affirmation: “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”