Marco Island Academy
General Announcements
Heyyyy Rays – Make sure to have your daily raffle ticket handy for our We’re Lucky to Have You raffle! The drawing will be held at the end of the announcements.
Heyyyyyyyyyyy Seniors – With college commitment season right around the corner, we want to celebrate your futures. Email newspaper@marcoislandacademy.org with a photo of yourself, your major, and your future school (cosmetology, vocational, workforce program, the military are also included)! You deserve to be celebrated! See the Class of 2022 for more information!
Attention all Rays!!!! Let’s celebrate success on our midterms and head into Spring Break by dressing comfy on Thursday!!! Rock some cozy Ray gear or your pajamas, as you come prepared to ace your midterms!!
Baseball: Congrats to our boys on their 8-7 win against Dunbar! We are so PROUD of the boys for holding on to defeat the Tigers.
Also, thank you to Haylen for being the voice of the Manta Rays baseball team Friday night!
Track: Congratulations to Leo Jean Baptiste for his 3rd place finish in the long jump and Jacob Watt for his 3rd place finish in the triple jump at the CSN Under Armour Invite on Saturday. Go Rays!
The Little Mermaid: Attention to The Little Mermaid cast, please continue to check Band for the rehearsal schedule!
Art: Attencione all you ART Lovers!!! Mr. Eder will be showing some of his personal Art in a group show during the month of March at the Marco Island Center for the Arts on Winterberry. Please come help him celebrate at the reception TOMORROW from 5:30 to 7. There will be hors d’oeuvres and other refreshments. Be there or be trapezoidal! Peace.
Science National Honor Society: Heyyyyyyy all you bagel lovers!! SNHS will be hosting a Panera bagel bar in the manta ray cafe tomorrow and Wednesday THIS week so be sure to stop by and pick up some bagels, cream cheese, and juice! See the posters around the school for more details!
Daily Affirmation: “May peace and plenty bless your world with a joy that long endures and may all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours.”